How can I re-analyze a file during script development?

0 votes
asked Jul 5 in Generic by martin-winter (180 points)
I’m working on a custom data type in Synalyze It!. It seems that I have to close and re-open the file I want to analyze in order to apply the changes to the script. This makes development and debugging extremely slow. Is there a way to force re-analysis more easily?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 6 by andreas (3,500 points)
There is a way to force parsing without reopening the file. Not the perfect (automatic) solution but faster than closing/opening.

From the bottom of the data file window you can draw up the log messages. When you disable "Hide if successful" and switch between "Debug messages since error" and "All Debug Messages" the "Parse File" button in the toolbar is enabled. This you can press to parse the file again.

I know, not the ideal solution but hopefully faster than reopening the file.
commented Jul 9 by martin-winter (180 points)
Thank you! I was wondering why that button was disabled :)
0 votes
answered Jul 9 by akshiya (140 points) 1 flag

To force re-analysis in Synalyze It! without closing and re-opening the file, you can try the following steps:

  1. Use the "Reanalyze" option from the "Analyze" menu if available.
  2. Reload the script or data type in the application's settings.
  3. Consult the official documentation or support for any shortcuts or tools to streamline this process.

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commented Jul 9 by martin-winter (180 points)
This is clearly generated using ChatGPT, and spam on top.