I have a file encoded for AS400(IBM870). File contains x structures, structures can be in file more than one (n), but the order and count is not known. The file always contain at least one structure defined in grammar.
File content sample Axxxxxxxxxx..........Czzzzz...............Bxxxxxaa.............Aznmopaaas...........Cxxddd...............
File structure example | Grammar |
--bof-- Record A ID = A Value 1 = xxxxx Value 2 = xxxxx Filler 10 Record C ID = C Value 1 = zzzzz Filler 15 Record B ID = B Value 1 = xxxxx Value 2 = aa Filler 13 Record A ID = A Value 1 = znmop Value 2 = aaas Filler 11 Record C ID = C Value 1 = xxddd Filler 15 --eof-- | - Records have a fixed length 21
- ID is always present
- Values are different
- Record order is unknown
- Record repeat is unknown
- Grammar contains definition for
record ID (A,B,C,D,E ,F ...) - The the file may not contain
all the records
How to automatically parse a file based on existing grammar definition ?