Looks amazing, is it still maintained?

+3 votes
asked Jul 29, 2021 in Synalyze It! by jakecarter (180 points)
I just happened across this app and it looks amazing. Would really help with some work I'm doing, but before I buy, I just wanted to check to make sure it's still maintained. I'm running macOS 15 beta and got an alert that the app needs to be updated and won't work on a future version of macOS. I believe this has to do with the python2 to python3 transition. Anyway... Is this still maintained? I really hope so because this looks very useful.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Aug 1, 2021 by andreas (3,500 points)
selected Aug 1, 2021 by jakecarter
Best answer
Yes, it's still maintained and a new version with native M1 support should be released soon.

This implies of course the transition to Python 3.
commented Aug 1, 2021 by jakecarter (180 points)
That's great news! Just bought the Pro version. I've already started developing a custom grammar for the the thing I'm working on. Thanks so much for the reply!
commented Feb 2, 2022 by beosdoc (100 points)
I'm on an M1 Mac and 12.3 latest beta and your app doesn't even run anymore, before the latest beta I had the warning.
commented Mar 15, 2022 by wyattd (150 points)
Monterey v 12.3 on Intel iMac not working either. Id already updated Python as I understood there's a link to how SynalyseIT works, but no joy so far.

Have raised a Ticket

Will see where this goes.

David (wyattd)
commented Apr 4, 2022 by vincedev (170 points)
This dates back in 2021. Any update on this ? A release date somehow or any new announcement ?
commented Apr 5, 2022 by prismaticrealms (100 points)
Synalize It! (and Pro) has been crashing since a recent macOS release due to the Python.framework having been removed from the OS by Apple.  The crash is not M1 specific as I've been having this problem on an Intel-based iMac as well as my M1 Mac.  Looking forward to the new release.
commented Jun 2, 2022 by emer (130 points)
Any news on the macOS 12 update?
commented Aug 30, 2022 by guruadmin (680 points)
The new version with Python 3.10 running also on Apple Silicon natively is now released.
+1 vote
answered Feb 18, 2022 by pwmeek (160 points)
MacOS 12.2.1 with SynalizeitPro 1.23.4 and still getting the warning. Hoping to get confirmation that this will be upgraded. This is my go-to hex-editor.
commented Jun 2, 2022 by emer (130 points)
Any news on this?
commented Aug 24, 2022 by guruadmin (680 points)
The new version with Python 3.10 running also on Apple Silicon natively is now released.