Does or will Synalyze-it support grammars in "RELAX NG Compact" (RNC) syntax?

0 votes
asked Jun 28, 2016 by fiddleman (120 points)
Does or will Synalyze-it support grammars in "RELAX NG Compact" (RNC) syntax? I'm a long time user, but had to stop using it because this is lacking. Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2016 by andreas (3,460 points)
Is the idea to have the binary files described in RNC or to have an RNC description of the existing grammar XML format? As I understand RELAX NG (Compact) is just another way to describe an XML format - like DTDs and XML schema..

There's already an XML schema describing the Synalyze It! grammars.

May you want to share your use case?